Assessment (2007-2008)
Spanish pupils
About French movies
The statue of MKL
The presentation is very good, but the boys are speaking very fast and I can't understand it very good. Rubén
Une statue qui parle... Intéressant.
How it is done? Really is fantastic... I’m very impressed.
This is the playground? It is very big.
The video is very good. It's funny that the statue speaks. I like the French accent. Adrián
I like the statue of metal, it's very well made. Juan Manuel
A comedy
I have enjoyed the video very much, but I can't see some scenes very well. Rubén
I like your high school. It is very big. I like the gym very much. It has been difficult for me to understand the boys. Adrián
A homeless person in MLK
I have liked this first video very much. The playground is enormous and the classrooms are very luminous. I understand the girl who is speaking very well. Lorena
A sports interview
Also I have liked this second video, I am amazed with it his gym, it is very big. Also I have liked the unycycle but I do not like the rugby. Lorena
Inside the collège
Hi, my name’s Inma and... I have got a question: What is it? Is this a bicycle? This idea it’s great! The video is genial, this is my favourite! Congratulations!
Votre lycèe c’est magnifique!
I have liked much the video, the High School is very big and your accent is very onlooker. Juan Manuel
I understood it very well and I think it is very funny. Beatriz
The TV show
I think the high school is very big with dining room, lockers, a hall games and a big library. The gags are very funny. Sara
Crazy chemists
I have liked this video less than the others, but the end is funny when they start dancing. Sara
I like it very much and I understood perfectly.
A sports interview and The TV show
I have seen video “A sports interview” and “The TV show” and I have liked them very much but I think that you should speak more slowly and improve the sound. It has been hard for me to understand them. Alejandro