April 2007: first e-mail from Piia Altonen from Finland
"I'm an English and Swedish teacher in a secondary school in Tampere, Finland. Our school, Etelä Hervanta's school has pupils between the age of 7 and 16. I'm teaching English on both lower and upper levels and Swedish on the upper level. I am a form master to a 7th grade now and I was hoping to start a project with you and your classes.
The projects you introduced sounded interesting and maybe they could be continued? My class is specialised in maths and on the other hand languages would also be an important matter... the use of English.
I talked with our other teachers and they would like to start the possible project next fall when the school starts in Finland... sometime in the middle of August ".
Here is a short description of this project:
Using both Mathematics and English, students imagine and write problems about their countries and regions of origin. For example, make out where their towns are located, calculate distances between them, compare life in their native countries…….